4. Name your Computer: Lesson Plan
Learner: Grades 4,5,6
Task 1: Introducing Name Your Computer
Class discussion on what is it that computers do .
Detailed Explanation :
a. Ask the students, “What do computers do?” Record their responses on chart paper or the board.
b. Ask the students, “What do you think of when you think about computers?” Record their responses on chart paper or the board.
(Some possible answers to the above questions are that computers are active and dynamic)
c. Tell students that they will each (or in groups) have an opportunity to personalize/name a computer in the lab/classroom.
d. Ask students why they think it will be a good idea to name each computer.
(Some possible answers are that it will make it easy to remember which machine you are to work on; If there is a repair problem it will be easier to describe which computer needs repair e.g you can leave a simple note that says “Canon Ball is down”. )