2. Egg Animation: Math Extension
2. Egg Animation: Math Extension
Printable Version


It is recommended that teacher and students have completed and understood the following before starting this math extension:

1. Completed the Egg Animation Main Lesson or some equivalent because the questions are based on the concepts learned in the main lesson.

2. Students will need to understand the basic concepts of fractions, decimals and graphics.

Materials and Setup:

A computer for the questions and animation clip demonstrations

If desired, student can work on this on individual computers with “In VIVO” loaded and running

If desired, this can be a class exercise on overhead or an individual worksheet exercise.

Materials provided on the CD-ROM under the Egg Animation Materials Folder:

Egg Animation Math Extension – Fractions (Questions and Animation clip which require computer to run. Also available as a worksheet.)

Egg Animation Math Extension – Decimals (Questions and Animation clip which require computer to run. Also available as a worksheet.)

Egg Animation Math Extension – Graphing (Questions and Animation clip which require computer to run. Also available as a worksheet.)