4. Name your Computer: Lesson Plan
4. Name your Computer: Lesson Plan
Printable Version

Learner: Grades 4, 5, 6

What students typically do:

- Some fill the entire screen
- Some omit the borders
- Many students initially create the teacher's example
- Some experiment

Typical mistakes :
- Spelling errors
- Lack of clarity of theme
- Excessive graphics in relation to text and white space

Instructional considerations:

-The artistic creativeness of the student can be further enhanced by printing in black and white and having the student colour the picture. This is an alternative to expensive colour printing.
- Type the title, name, date and school name before entering the graphics. If graphics are added first, there may not be enough room left for the text.

Other considerations :

- Kid Pix allows the user to undo only the last operation.