1. Multimedia Portfolio: Lesson Plan
1. Multimedia Portfolio: Lesson Plan
Printable Version
Program: Kid Pix Deluxe 3

Task 2: Create the Graphic

Design Detailed Steps for Creating Multimedia Portfolio Graphic Using Kid Pix Deluxe 3 for Windows:

Step 5 – Printing

a. Open Microsft Word.

b. Select "File", "Save As". Enter the document name. (e.g. PortfolioCover.doc)

c. Return to Kid Pix.

d. Move cursor to the top left corner of the screen. When the arrow appears click and select “File” and “Export” to export the graphic. A dialog box will appear. Enter a name for your graphic (e.g Multimedia Portfolio ) and click Save . Ensure that where it says “Save as Type” , you have it as JPEG

e. Press “Alt”, “Esc” to go back to Microsoft Word.

f. Select “Insert”, “Picture”, “From File”. A dialog box will appear. Select your graphic from the file you saved it in and click “Insert”.

g. Click the "save" icon to save your work.

h. Click the “print” icon to print your graphic on either a colour or black and white printer.